Tuesday, December 9, 2008


From the next brief being about excuses and matching it up to a font i started to play around with ideas coming up with a few that i could envisage where the visual language of the font corresponded to the excuse.
My first idea that i was going to go with was "my alarm broke" and writing it out in a digital font although i felt this was to straight forward.
From playing with light in my photography project i thought about writing with light and using the excuse "i had no electricity". This way i felt i was answering the brief with more experimentation and expressing it through a means i didn't think the rest of the class would be using.

The first problem i came across when trying to write the font out was there was too much glare coming from the torch that obstructed the font and made it hard to show up on the camera. I over came this problem by hanging a piece of a1 paper in between 2 chairs so the paper hung down allowing me to write behind it diffusing the glare the torch gave. Another problem was trying to keep in neat and tidy with out the use of a guide as i would not be able to see it in the dark. The last problem was remembering how to write electricity backwards and fit it into a certain space which after many attempts i finally achieved.

My final image

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