Monday, December 28, 2009

The recipe book & small ads

For this project I had to design a private ad for hi-fi equipment as well as designing a new way for recipes to to be followed.

To tackle the recipe project i sketched out various methods that recipes could to be displayed, this included using velcro, mini tv screens, projectors, magnets etc etc.

The most covenant method out of the ones i had thought of was the idea to use magnets. This way the recipe could be printed on to a magnet and stuck to a magnetic surface in the kitchen, which could be the work top, fridge, cupboards a magnetic paint could even be applied to a surface to attach the recipe.

With this in mind and the products available i was restricted to working on an a4 format.

This was the final design i settled on

As well as the recipe project i also had to design a small ad that had been taken from a hi-fi magazine and turn it in to a "Opera Oratorio of great typographic importance".

I selected the ad i wanted to use and then set about constructing a type that flowed and linked as one whole piece, this would then make the the name of the piece stand out amongst others and make it recognizable.

With the construction of the type completed i then experimented with various different colors and combinations

From various experiments and color combinations i decided to go with this version, i was pleased the way the letters sat out from the grey background and the white and black linking in with the colors used on hi-fi wiring.

From this design however i have re designed the the look and layout of the ad adding an element of illustration to the the design to make the ad more inviting and appealing to the viewer.

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